Uncategorized   |   27/04/2020

What follows is a virtual itinerary that accompanies the visitor, while waiting to meet and greet him in person at the LEO-LEV Centre in Piazza Carlo Pedretti 1 in Vinci, through the exhibition centre and the related activities.

We begin at the bookshop, then we cross the square, not without pausing to look at Leonardo’s Fountain and the Skyline of Leonardo’s Cities, and finally enter the Leo-Lev Centre and its exhibition spaces…

This historical period is putting a strain on every sector of society and every inhabitant of the world. In this suspended time in our homes, where sociability is almost zero and thoughts run at a slow pace, many cultural activities have lowered their shutters: museums are closed, exhibitions are suspended, bookshops and bookshops are shut. 

Do we want to stem the spread of fears? Do we want to overcome the loneliness that surrounds us? So let’s start leafing through a good book, let’s start reading because reading – to paraphrase Emilio Salgari – is like “travelling without the hassle of luggage”.

At this juncture, sales of online publishing platforms are increasing more than ever. A book therefore proves to be a necessary good, a cure for the soul. As a sign of hope, the “symbolic” opening of the bookshops and therefore also of the Leo-Lev bookshop is hoped to give cultural oxygen to those who want to breathe it.

We would not have as our guests the national and international visitors who came to visit us before the stoppage, but we could give company with a good read, cultural and spiritual comfort to the citizens of Leonardo’s lands … and why not? Send a book directly to your home. 

Our space is more than a bookshop, the store at the Exhibition Centre houses monographs, illustrated books, catalogues and objects inspired by great art, especially that of Leonardo da Vinci.

Thanks to the collaboration with Giunti – a historic Florentine publishing house that is one of the most important in Italy – we boast a rich selection of books dedicated to the master of Vinci: art, studies and the many interpretations of his genius. The offer also includes a rich merchandising and some suggestions of books dedicated to the artist-scientist studied for the youngest, also useful to provide didactic ideas for educators and parents.

Thanks to Giunti we offer not only art, but also colourful and fun stationery for adults and children, Tuscan cookery books and small Italian leather goods.

The Leo-Lev Bookshop also boasts the support of Polistampa, the historic Florentine publishing house founded by Mauro Pagliai. The jewel in the crown is the catalogue of the exhibition Se Fosse un Angelo di Leonardo … L’Angelo Gabriele di San Gennaro il suo restauro. In addition to analysing the work from a historical and iconographic point of view, the volume documents the careful restoration work carried out by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence, which has restored the work to its original splendour.  In addition, Edizioni Polistampa offers Leo-Lev a vast catalogue of books dedicated to Tuscany and Leonardo da Vinci.

The store at the Leo-Lev Exhibition Centre also counts O.R.A.D publisher among its publishing partnerships. In addition to studies dedicated to Piero della Francesca, Sandro Botticelli, Giorgione and Leonardo da Vinci, O.R.A.D’s selection of publications includes historical novels dealing with these characters and novellas, including a reading of Pinocchio in a curious parallelism with Leonardo. 

LEO-LEV brand objects of refined design, such as the scarf (for men and women) inspired by Leonardo’s painting “Flora” with Francesco Melzi in the Accademia.  The first in a design and art project …

Discover our books in the Leo-Lev Store. For information, questions and purchases, please send communications to the following address info@leolev.it

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