Leonardo's five senses return to Vinci

2 April 2022

Alberto Marconcini, an artist from Vinci, reproposes the exhibition that retraces Leonardo’s multi-sensoriality. At the Leo Lev Centre from 2 April

È possibile riviveIs it possible to relive Leonardo’s senses? According to Alberto Marconcini, an artist from Vinci, yes.

AIt will happen in the exhibition “Lionardo’s Senses”, which will be inaugurated on Saturday 2 April 2022 at 11 am at the Leo-Lev Exhibition Centre in Piazza Pedretti in Vinci.

L’esposizione, che si ripresenta dopo la precedente versione del 2017 – quando fu ospitata nella Rocca dei Conti GThe exhibition, which comes back after the previous version of 2017 – when it was hosted in the Rocca dei Conti Guidi, seat of the Museo Leonardiano in Vinci – re-proposes the multisensory path offered through 15 works of art, through which the visitor can discover places, flavours, fragrances and sounds that inspired Leonardo.

A journey that also crosses and enhances the territory of Vinci, since in order to reproduce those senses, Marconcini has selected raw materials from the Montalbano area to make the public relive what Leonardo himself felt during his stay in his birthplace.

The exhibition will also be an opportunity to “listen” to Leonardo: through a special experiment, Marconcini has in fact transliterated a numerical composition, rendering in a musical version what Leonardo wrote about the anatomical measurements of Vitruvian Man. This latest work was completed with the collaboration of musician Alice Ulivi.

Alberto Marconcini

A multifaceted and visionary artist, Alberto Marconcini was born during the 1960s. During the course of his career, he has lent his art to places of Leonardo da Vinci’s culture (from the manor of Amboise to the Museo Ideale of Leonardo da Vinci), as well as to wealthy residences around the world, also collaborating with established realities of world interior design.

The exhibition

Opening: Saturday 2 April, 11 a.m.; Leo-Lev Exhibition Centre, Piazza Pedretti, Vinci

Exhibition opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm; closed on Mondays. Easter and 1st May open.

Ticket: Euro 6; reduced: Euro 4 (further information on reductions and concessions: leolev.it/contacts) Information and contacts: Leo Lev Centre, 0571.1735135, info@leolev.it, leolev.it.

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