Uncategorized   |   16/12/2020

The restoration work of the Madonna del Parto from Pieve di San Gennaro in Lucchesia continues at the LEO-LEV Exhibition Centre, which was elected as a “workshop” for the restoration of the important terracotta work.

Under the guidance of Filippo Tattini – a cultural heritage restorer specialising in ceramic, plastic and vitreous materials – restoration work continues on the sculpture, the only one of its kind in the world made of terracotta and measuring approximately 1.68 cm in its natural state.

Today, a short interview with Tattini on the state of recovery of this particularly mysterious and singular work of art


2007 – Graduated from the School of Higher Education of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, Plastic and Vitreous Ceramics sector.

2020 – Luca della Robbia, glazed terracotta, Florence, Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal, San Miniato a Monte Church

2020 – Andrea della Robbia, Saint Sebastian, glazed terracotta sculpture, Montalcino, Museo Civico Diocesano d’Arte Sacra. Work in progress at the Laboratories of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. 

2020 | 2019 – Giovanni della Robbia, Lunette with Madonna and Child, San Domenico and San Jacopo, Florence, Church of San Jacopo a Ripoli, Via della Scala. In collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

2020 | 2019 – Giovanni della Robbia, Chapel of St Ambrose, glazed terracotta tabernacle, Florence, Piazza S.Ambrogio.

2019 | 2018 – Announcing Angel, polychrome terracotta sculpture, Church of San Gennaro, Capannori (LU). In collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

2019 – Restoration work on Renaissance majolica in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence. 

2019 -Donatello, Madonna and Child with Saints, terracotta bas-relief, Museo Civico di Palazzo Pretorio, Prato.

2017 – Giovanni della Robbia, Madonna and Child with Saints, Pulci-Berardi chapel altarpiece, glazed terracotta, Florence, Basilica of S. Croce.

2016 – Luca della Robbia, Visitation, Church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas, Pistoia. In collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

2016 | 2015 – Andrea della Robbia, Ten glazed terracotta tondi: putti on the façade of the Ospedale degli Innocenti. Piazza SS. Annunziata, Florence. In collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

2015 | 2014 – Giovan Francesco Rustici, 16 polychrome terracotta tondi depicting mythological scenes. Villa Salviati, Florence.

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